Posts Tagged ‘solanas’


it has officially happened.

May 19, 2009

i have found a band i enjoy more than the cure or siouxsie. they are called s.c.u.m. and they are my new favorite band. they are the antithesis of current music and that’s why they’re so incredible. they’re sound is obviously influenced by 1980’s electro goth, along with others like ipso facto, ulterior, and factory floor, creating a new genre: new grave. although this new music scene is in london, i will follow as best as i can to stay with it. it is unbelievable.

again, i bring you s.c.u.m.


:tom scum : vocal, sampler :bradley baker: machines. :samuel kilcoyne : ivory :huw webb: bass, :melissa rigby : drums

they are from london, and from previous reading, their average age is merely seventeen years of age. their name is derived from the feminist manifesto of the would-be murderer of warhol, valerie solanas, s.c.u.m. (society for cutting up men). again, these guys are incredibly talented and i do hope that they come to america in the very near future.